
Cali De Armas

Cali DeArmas was a competitive gymnast for 8 years at Orlando Metro Gymnastics, in Orlando, Florida. Her love of gymnastics and being able to “fly” eventually brought her into the world of pole fitness and the aerial arts in 2011. In March of 2012, she competed in her first pole fitness competition, The Florida Pole Fitness Championship, where she won “Most Athletic” in the amateur division. Cali was selected to compete at the American Pole Fitness Championship in NYC and National Aerial Pole Art in LA, in their Professional Divisions. In 2013, she competed again at The Florida Pole Fitness Championship, where she won “Most Artistic” in the Professional Division. After a 2 year recovery from a back injury, Cali returned to competitive pole in 2015 at the PSO’s Southern Pole Championship, taking 3rd place in the Professional Division, and winning a spot to represent the southern region at the PSO’s US Nationals in LA. She also was awarded the “Brian Friedman Choreography Cup” for her piece at the SPC 2015.

Cali taught pole fitness, flexibility and aerial hoop at Vixen Fitness in Orlando, FL from 2012-2013. Most recently she coached recreational and competitive gymnastics at Liberty Gymnastics in Hinesville, GA. She is a USA Gymnastics Professional coach and has received certificates in Gymnastics Fundamentals and Safety and Risk Management through USA Gymnastics. She currently lives and teaches pole fitness in Columbus, GA.
Cali has been married to a Soldier in the U.S. Army since 2008 and together they have an adorable little boy. In her spare time she enjoys baking, painting, doing handstands and lifting weights.